"O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
How richly God has decked thee!
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
How richly God has decked thee!
Thou bidst us true and faithful be,
And trust in God unchangingly.
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
How richly God has decked thee! !"
This year has been somewhat tough financially,as it has been for many people. So, when time for a Christmas tree came and they were $25 a pop, for a small one, we almost considered just forgoing the tree this year. We didn't have one last year at the hospital and we were fine, right? Gracie and Josiah just LOVE Grandma and Grandpa's tree, though, so when friends offered us to come cut one down on their property, off we went.
My friend was somewhat disappointed in the selection she had, but I was thrilled. Our home is not large, and neither is our family (yet). So, to me, a little tree is just PERFECT. It's cute, and to use one of her favorite terms, cozy.
My friend has 8 boys. The second oldest is cutting the tree down and the oldest hangs onto it. They are such servants.
Our sweet little tree, with just one strand of lights on it.
Gracie, putting on her snowman. John bought that snowman the year she was born. He wrapped it up, in tissue paper, and gave it to me, in the NICU. Grace had had a rough day and I had spent the better part of it crying. When I opened it, I started cracking up immediately, and he started to laugh. People thought we were crazy. I turned to the nurse taking care of Grace that morning and said "Look, my husband bought me a snowman with hydrocephalus!!" It might sound unfeeling or strange, but he knew exactly what I needed!!
"Lights, Mommy, lights!"
Look at then belly on that kid!! :)
Our very first family ornament. This year I need to find one with 3 kids and 2 cats. Hmmm.
My Pastor's daughter and son made this ornament for me. Nathan (his son) has since gone on to Heaven and so this ornament will always remain very dear to me.
A better view of the hydrocephalus snowman. Isn't he cute??